20 June 2006


Because we don't have cable, we're often behind the curve on the good TV shows. This has its advantages though, namely that we can watch them at our DVD renting leisure and our friends can filter out the bad ones for us. Last weekend we decided to check out a couple of shows that our friends had been talking up for a while: The L Word and Deadwood.

Just as we were starting The L Word, the phone rang. It was one of Anne's co-workers who dropped by to say 'hi'. Incidentally, she was one of the first people we knew to watch the show and has been recommending it to Anne since the beginning. As she walked in, she saw the show paused on our TV. Recognizing the two characters frozen on the screen, she grinned and said "you guys are a couple of lesbian lurkers!" Yep, caught red-handed. But let me tell you, the show is great fun, and I wasn't (too) ashamed to be busted watching it. It has all sorts of sleazy intrigue and hot sex. It's kind of like Melrose Place with nudity and if being a lesbian were the norm and not a plot device. There's also a hot guy who takes off his shirt a lot, to keep the straight girls interested, I guess. I don't know if we're in it for more than one season, but it looks like it'll be fun for a while. Oh, and did I mention the hot sex?

For what it's worth, we really liked Deadwood, too. Lots of swearin' and shootin' plus what looks to be a cool story arc. It's a little like Lost only the people don't bathe as often. And there aren't any polar bears. Oh, and did I mention the swearing? Ok, so it isn't anything like Lost.


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